Liberatory Joy

Liberatory joy is the experience of resisting the trauma and oppression we have experienced as we fully return to who we are as individuals and communities.
Our unique, deeply held desires.
The vivid visions for a more beautiful and loving world that we viscerally and intuitively know.
Our ancestors’ dreams.
The earth’s yearnings to rest and blossom.
In my book Whole Happy and Health, I distinguish among seven different types of happiness:
“Cheerfulness is a lighthearted approach to engagement with life…
Pleasure is the process of fulfilling our desires… intentionally following our passions and integrating them into our daily lives...
Exhilaration is the reward we experience after taking a personal risk…a rush of adrenaline that follows great achievements or ecstatic experiences...
·Delight is a consistent enchantment with life…filled with delicate and intricate loveliness…
Resilience is the ability to return to our center and respond with agility…by remaining true to ourselves regardless of the circumstances we face…
Contentment is a serene sense of ease and grace…we feel blissful and free…
Fulfillment is a continual alignment with, and integration of, our purpose and passions in life…to live a life full of meaning and significance.”
Liberatory joy is similar to but distinct from happiness. It is:
Our birthright: An experience we deeply deserve as human beings
Resistant: An intentional practice that disrupts oppression
Provocative: Opens up possibilities for creativity
Transcendent: Rooted in connection to community, the earth, and/or spirituality
Collective: Something we create and experience together