Charting the Organization
In an organizational behavior class last year, we were given an assignment to create an organizational chart for our place of work. I created the following chart to represent how I saw the structure of the organization.

At the time, I was working at a social service/education agency serving both children and families. I felt that program participants were at the center of the organization; everything that we did as an organization was centered on their needs. I therefore represented them as a large circle that overwhelmed the entire diagram. Surrounding the program participants was another circle representing the larger community; this includes foundations, neighbors, elected officials, etc. The executive director (me) was at the periphery of the program participants and community circles, holding everything together. That position was also connected to the board of directors and program coordinators (who were supervised by me). Direct line staff were placed next to the program coordinators as a link to the people served.
I would love to see how creative organizational designs or representations. Please share them with me and other blog readers!