20 Questions to Ask When You Join a Board of Directors
How does the mission of the organization align with my values?
What are the responsibilities of board members?
How will I meet my obligations as a board member?
What information do I need to be an effective board member and how will I get and use this information?
What information, ideas, resources, and relationships do I need to share to be an effective board member?
How can I make a meaningful and significant contribution to the board?
How can I make a meaningful and significant contribution to the organization?
How will I strengthen this organization?
What can I learn from serving on this board of directors?
How can I share my gifts and skills with this organization?
How can I promote the work of this organization in my community?
What relationships should I help develop for this organization?
How can I help the board to function more efficiently and effectively?
How will I support the executive director and executive director?
What communication means are most effective and useful for me as a board member?
How will I communicate my new opportunities to the organization’s leadership?
How will I communicate my concerns to the organization’s leadership?
How does being a board member enhance my personal identity?
What is my motivation for serving on this board of directors?
How much time am I willing to contribute to this organization and how will I make the most of that time?
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